Optimization and Analysis of Structures OAS2023
OAS 2023
The international conference on Optimization and Analysis of Structures dedicated to the aims at gather experts in the fields of Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Material Science, also Applied Mathematics and the Theory of Optimization.
Papers presented at the Conference are expected to focus on the fundamental and applied problems of the optimization and analysis of structures and dynamical systems.
Conference committee
Conference Chairman:
Prof. J. Lellep, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tartu, Estonia
Local organizing committee:
H. Hein, H. Kaima, T. Kraav, A. Mürk, A. Paltsepp, J. Polikarpus, E. Puman, E. Tungel
Scientific secretary:
Assoc. Prof. E. Puman, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Tartu
Narva mnt 18, Tartu, 51009, Estonia
e-mail: oas2023@ut.ee